Publisher Sustainability DiagnosticBeta

Complete the diagnostic to see your sustainability readiness score and learn how you can improve.
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This means reaching the financial stability and resilience to continue investing in quality journalism, and adapt as your market and audiences evolve.
The News Sustainability Project is an industry research effort, led by the Google News Initiative and FT Strategies, to more deeply understand, measure and enable the drivers of publisher sustainability across the world.
Google News InitiativeFT Strategies
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Google does not have access to any raw data you submit. All data will be validated by FT Strategies and hosted by Use All Five.
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The diagnostic and study is informed by survey data and interviews from more than 450 publishers and 30 subject matter experts across the world.
The diagnostic and study were created in collaboration with:
International News Media AssociationSpliceHarvard Kennedy School Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public PolicyGlobal Forum for Media DevelopmentUniversity of Central LancashireNational Trust for Local NewsAmerican Journalism ProjectSembra Media
Scarlett Ink Media
NewspackUTS Centre for Media TransitionThe Lenfest InstituteLions PublishersReuters Institute for the Study of JournalismEnders AnalysisThe Membership Puzzle Project